Internet Table-Top Rally Championship 2003
Round 1 - Five Diamonds Rally
Route Cards

Route Card 1

TC1A @ 3 miles from Maryport
TC1B @ ?

Only white roads, yellow roads and the B5300 may be used. Do not cross GL52. You must go through the village of Newtown.  Contrary to rule 11, maximise the distance that you travel to TC1B, which is sited just before you break the restrictions. 

Link to TC2A.

Answer the following Route Checks
1) O>W  2) O>Y  3) Y>O  4) Y>W  5) W>O  6) W>Y  7) SH  8) Colour of road for TC1B  9) GL10  10) T.

Route Card 2
Grid Shift

TC2A @ Spot Height 8 (Kilometre Square 1251)
TC2B @ Spot Height 8 (Kilometre Square 1453)

via the following in-order map references

NE0120099300   S0062599600SE   0060000075ENE   
ESE0070000525WNW   WNW0075000675ESE   0072500775NNE   
S0150001225NW   0160000975   0195000350   
0195000625   0255001225   0230000425

Answer the following Route Checks
1) N  2) W  3) SH  4) GL11  5) GL54  6) W>O  7) Y>W  8) T  9) "Est"  10) GL13.

Route Card 3
Route Card T

TC3A @ SH8 (1453)
TC3B @ last clue


Link to TC4A.

Answer the following Route Checks
1) YOO  2) YYW  3) SH  4) YYY  5) YYYW  6) GL49  7) GL15  8) E  9) S  10) X.

Route Card 4
WhitE OrangE YelloW

TC4A @ 119 480
TC4B @ TP42 (2149)


Link to TC5A.

Answer the following Route Checks
1) SH4  2) T  3) WYY  4) WOO  5) N  6) S  7) W  8) O>Y  9) GL20  10) YYY.

Route Card 5
paG ehT egdirB

TC5A @ TP (2149)
TC5B @ 240 534

57.0 52.1 96.1 34.2 57.6 92.1 94.0 27.0 42.0 86.1 83.1

Answer the following Route Checks
1) N  2) E  3) W  4) "Moss"  5) Number of red diamonds touching the route?  6) O>Y  7) GL23  8) YYY  9) Y>W  10) "Trees".

Route Card 6
O U should get this

TC6A @ 240 534
TC6B @ next junction

G ----------------------O--------------O-------------------O
O -----------------------O------UUUO------------------------
W -------------------------UO----------------------UU-------

Link to TC7A.

Answer the following Route Checks
1) SH5  2) BrU  3) ETL  4) E  5) T  6) GL50  7) GL47  8) GL24  9) GL46  10) Y>W.

Route Card 7

TC7A @ 170 438
TC7B @ next junction

1.42, 3.29, 1.10, 2.03, 3.79, 1.72, 2.86, 1.09, 1.78, 4.05 4.03, 3.45, 

4.40, 4.54, 1.28, 3.80, 4.82, 3.82, 4.39, 4.81, 1.77, 1.75, 4.17, 4.34

Link to TC8A.

Answer the following Route Checks
1) W  2) GL41  3) T  4) WWW  5) GGO  6) "Brayton"  7) "Ellen"  8) "94"  9) "101"  10) "207".

Route Card 8
R U game?

TC8A @ SH 176 (2541)
TC8B @ last clue


Link to TC9A.

Answer the following Route Checks
1) N  2) "House"  3) ^  4) WGG  5) SH5  6) O>W  7) YYY  8) GL44  9) GL27  10) Br.

Route Card 9
Square Routes

TC9A @ X roads (3442)
TC9B @ next junction



Link to TC10A.

Answer the following Route Checks
1) N  2) W  3) E  4) ^  5) T  6) Br  7) ETL  8) YYW  9) GL48  10) SH3.

Route Card 10
Map Bits

TC10A @ SH 136 (3443)
TC10B @ next junction

via the following in-order, correctly oriented junctions


then via the following not in-order, maybe incorrectly oriented map bits


Link to TC11A.

Answer the following Route Checks
1) S  2) E  3) ^  4) BrO  5) Y>W  6) SH1  7) Number of Green Circles?  8) "Gyll"  9) "Beck"  10) "Flat".

Route Card 11
Almost 78 and back

TC11A @ X roads (4247)
TC11B @ X Roads (4347)



Answer the following Route Checks
1) N  2) S  3) ETL  4) B>G  5) W>B  6) B>O  7) O>Y  8) RO  9) RU  10) O>W.

Route Card 12
Digitally Squared

TC12A @ X roads (4347)
TC12B @ next junction

4  0  22  14  8  16  6  11  14  28  2  27  8  13  6.5  13  11  16  12  0  9  17  9  14  12  18  3.8  14.5  5  19  5  25  15.9  25  0  25

Answer the following Route Checks
1) N  2) E  3) W  4) ETL  5) BrO  6) BrU  7) W>Y  8) SH3  9) SH5  10) T.