Panglossian Rally 2008
Route Cards
Panglossian Rally 2008 Route Cards & Solutions

Route Card 10 - Tulip Movies - The Sequel

Part 1 (Masters, Experts and Novices)

Leftmost GL is 56. Plotting limits: North:190  South:120  West:555  East:670

(You may download the movies to play on your own computer)

Start at SH56 on the A334. Go via the tulip movies and finish at the next grid line.


Route Checks
1) Ch - 2/3  doubt about Ch+ in top left of GS5713
2) Y>W - 4
3) RRY - 4/6  doubt about RRYY or 2 x RRY in GS6015 changed because the X roads was in the animation.
5) RD - 9

I missed out a couple of junctions in the movie, but you sussed it anyway.



Part 2 (Masters Only)

Continue via colourless tulip movies and finish at the next grid line.


Route Checks
6) Y>W - 6
7) GL17 - 6
8) S - 6214
9) YYY - 21
10) ETL + T + BrO - 4