Internet Table-Top Rally Championship 2003
Round 4 - Rally Round Rally
Route Card Updates

Q1. Why is the rally called Rally Round?
A1. In celebration of that definitive rally game: Rally Round. Released in 1986, it sold over 5,000 copies worldwide. No longer available generally (though I do have the very first game off the production line and a few others), but I have seen them for sale on eBay. Full details at Rally Round Summary.

Q2. RC2: Can you confirm that the last two rules are based on times of 4048 and 8096 seconds given, rather than the more obvious 4096 and 8192, as this gives a very different solution.
A2. Binary brain fade! Of course, 4048 should read 4096, and 8096 should read 8192.

Q3. RC7: Avoiding!?
A3. In first Don't: Change "Avoiding" to "Avoid".

Q4: RC7: Use of double negatives?
A4: An accepted part of the Crow language.

Q5: If the last two times have changed, has your total time altered as well or is it still 2h 50m 27s?
A5: Yes, total time is revised to 2h 52m 03s.

Q6: Have plotted RC5 from the start and backwards from the finish but am experiencing problems where they meet!!! i.e. at the 2nd 2:24 (remainder censored).
A6: The second 2:24 (after 2:39) should be 2:11.

Q7: Regarding route card ... (censored) .... Is the intersection of an "unmarked white" with another white (in a T configuration) to be included in the WWW count?
A7: Yes. Treat any unmarked whites as though they were on the map for Route Check answers. An all-white T would be a WWW as long as all three roads were through roads.

Q8: Can you confirm that at 76942773 the yellow continues through the Green Circle to meet the red?
A8: Confirmed.

Q9: Rule 25 RO and RU: Is a disused railway synonymous with a dismantled railway?
A9: Yes, for the purposes of the Rally Round event: dismantled == disused.

Q10: What does it mean to "visit" something? I can't seem to find a definition in the regulations.
A10: Well ... looking at all the times I mention "visit" in the Route Cards ... To visit a "xxxx" would be the same as the Route Checks i.e. pass within 200 metres. To visit a GN, the GN would have to encroach on the path of the route. To visit a Tourist Information site, you must pass within 200 metres of the symbol.

Q11: ... about RC3 ...
A11: For the purists: the NR, NO sequence could be expressed as NR, N, N, NO although without this modification the Route Card is still 100% plotable.

Q12: ... about disused railways ...
A12: As an attempt at clarification of what I judge as disused railways on the map - treat the continuous section of track from 6022 to 8532 as disused.

Q13: Who is the most unusually placed competitor on the Rally Round?
A13: My vote goes to overseas entrant Shane Glynn of San Jose, California, who is currently living in a trailer in a protected compound in Baghdad! The photograph shows his tools of the trade which extend somewhat beyond a pencil, eraser, romer and Rally Round Route Cards!

Shane Glynn

Q14: (artificial question)  If I e-mail you photos of me and my plotting conditions, and a profile of who I am and what I do, could you add it to the forthcoming Competitors' Profiles webpage?
A14: Absolutely. Several people have asked me "Who are these weirdos who do Table Top Rallies?". Let's show them that we are really (quite) normal people.

Q15: In RC2 does 'if I go through a cross' mean like the cross at MR94551620 and not like the cross at MR94401630?
A15: Assuming these are the correct crosses both would need to be avoided.

Q16: In RC1 where the county boundary is along the road you are travelling on do you only cross it when you turn across the road as in GS 9915.
A16: Correct.

Q17: In answer to a LETTERS question, does '&' (ampersand) count as a capital letter?
A17: No.

Q18: If the same church is passed twice, should it be counted twice or just once?
A18: Just once.

Q19: With your recent ruling on disused/dismantled railway lines, how does it affect how we answer RO and RU questions - count the bridge regardless or make it a zero?
A19: Don't count them in RO or RU, but do count them in BrO and BrU.

Q20: (Censored question about a particular Route Card)
A20: Generally ... roads that go Out of Bounds i.e. below Northing 147 (as opposed to the edge of the map) are not to be considered NTRs and so could be included as part of the Route Card navigation.