Rally Round Rally 2008
Route Cards
Rally Round Rally 2008 Route Cards & Solutions

Route Card 6 - Cryptic Descriptive

Plotting limits: PDF Map

Part 1 (Masters, Experts and Novices)

Start at a scientist's aim.

Continue by crossing water three times, going downhill, get a little cross, down again, cross the water another 3 times then spot your way through the forest keeping left of two hills. Go through the park to visit the king's home and get the line crossed twice before making a call in a place where you may find it difficult to sleep.

RC2) Some debate over whether there was a Bridge sign in 3877 so answer of 2 or 3 allowed.

Route Checks
1) Last SH
2) Br
3) GL36
4) W>Y
5) "Ho"

Part 2 (Masters Only)

Continue via part of your "welsh" brain to end star-gazing, in the shortest route using 5 bridges, 5 border crossings and 6 grid number crossings.

Route Checks
6) RO
7) RRY
8) GN
9) Ch+
10) YYW