Rally Round Rally 2008
Route Cards
Rally Round Rally 2008 Route Cards & Solutions

Route Card 7 - Helicopter

Plotting limits: PDF Map

Part 1 (Masters, Experts and Novices)

Start at SH44 in 7911.

Plot the route from Video 1. (Download by right mouse clicking the link then Save Target As...)

Hire of the helicopter may increase next year's entry fees!
Some time was lost by those without broadband and those without the ability to read video clip avi files.
RC1) Debate over WWW at 777116 lead to answers being accepted with and without it.
RC4) A few of you will "kick yourselves" as you included the start SH in your answer, contrary to regulation 26 "When counting or listing features always ignore those used to define the location of the start or finish of any Route Card part".
RC5) No YYY in 7911 as ntr.

Route Checks
1) WWW
2) Ch
3) Br
4) SH*
5) YYY

Part 2 (Masters Only)

Continue plotting from Video 2. (Download by right mouse clicking the link then Save Target As...)

Route Checks

6) GN
7) Ch
8) ETL
9) W>Y
10) Last SH