The Nearest FarAway Place Rally 2008
Route Cards
The Nearest FarAway Place Rally 2008 Route Cards & Solutions

Route Card 1 - Letters have a bit of fun

Part 1 (Masters, Experts and Novices)

Start from 8876 6452.

Proceed via the following road breaks: e S N t t n e r f i n l l

Finish at the next ETL.

Route Checks
1) YYW - 7 (A range of answers from 2 to 12 depending upon your accuracy in observing NTRs)
2) S - 9159
3) R - 1 (Just one if you were on shortest route)
4) "Hill" - N
5) ETL - 5/6 (I wanted 5 since the last one shouldn't count as is was at the finish TC - rule 26. Ah, but I hadn't referred to the start and finish of a section actually as a TC, so I had to accept 6 too.)

Part 2 (Masters Only)

Continue using the following extract from the novel The Nearest FarAway Place (you don't need a copy of the book but you can buy it if you like ...):

I cried, mostly for my father, but also for all the other thi gs that weighed heavy on me. Normally I w uld have rung Carl for support, except w  had a pact that  onday morning to Friday night was for  orking, the rest of the time was for loving. Besides, he had never met my father and I rarely mentioned him. It was something I would need to hand e alone - for the time being. I cried so long and hard that, exh usted, I went back to sleep and didn't wake until midday. I was due at lectures and a project meeting, w ich I miss d, but the absence was trivial in co parison to the news I had received.
I did little for the next two days except walk a lot, particularly alongside the  iver Cam; I had always found the flow of water had a calming effect. My housemates, especially Kate, rallied round me although I didnt reveal why I was sad. Marion phoned me regularly to check I was coping and to update me on events in Poland.

Finish at 8900 6482.

You had to supply the missing (obvious?) letters from the passage and should have ending up with the following sequence
n o e M w l a h e m R

Route Checks
6) Y>W - 3 (2 was common. You missed the last turning?)
7) MR90436300 - N
8) GL63 - 5
9) MR911640 - N (A misplot which should have been 912640)
10) "62" - Y