Press Release
The Basic Roamer Company sponsors TT Championships
The Internet Table-Top Rally Championships for 2004/2005 will be sponsored by the The Basic Roamer Company. 

The Championships comprise four events which will run on alternate months from September 2004 to April 2005. On each event, competitors will be required to solve 10 route cards and plot the resultant route on an Ordnance Survey map. Route checks must then be answered to verify that the correct route has been followed. The competition is administered completely from the Table-Top Rallying website.

There are two Championships: the first is designed for navigators who want tough puzzles to solve and routes to plot (renamed The Basic Roamer TT Masters); and a second, easier series, more appropriate for navigators wishing to practice the skills they will need for road rallies (Basic Roamer TT Experts). 

The Basic Roamer Company manufacture and supply the Roamer 5, a multi-functional device which enables navigators to accurately plot map references on Ordnance Survey maps, and which provides over 20 additional navigational features.

Ray Crowther, who organises the Championships said: 
"We are pleased that an appropriate, growing and friendly company will be helping us with these events. As well as providing products for the prize winners, The Basic Roamer Company's assistance will help us add to the competition's profit, all of which is being donated to Cancer Research UK."

Phil and Karen Matthews of The Basic Roamer Company added: 
"Ray's enthusiasm is infectious! We are both over the moon with this coup. Having the chance to help these prodigious and unique Championships is a pleasure. The Basic Roamer's originator will be very proud to hear that all competition profits are targeted at such a worthy cause. Our aim is to help the Table Top Championships grow and grow."

Ray Crowther

Phil and Karen Matthews