Current World Rankings

Qualifying Events Results | Qualifying Events Ranking Points | Current World Rankings | Progressive World Rankings

"World" Rankings?, well yes. There are no other equivalent statistics available, so until there is an official organisation to dispute them, why not?

The World Rankings list is based upon the most recent four finishing performances within the last eight National TT postal and Internet events. Ranking points are obtained by adding together the finishing positions, the least the better.

The current table includes results up to the Thalamorph Rally 2022
Special Mention to Glynn Hayward who has appeared in the rankings since they began in March 1998.

1TTR19061Lyn Gale12
1TTR17043Phil Robbins12
3TTR17041Keith Cunningham14
4TTR17159Keith Irvin24
5TTR17102Andrew Green30
6TTR17011Monica Dowson35
7TTR17022Steve Barber40
8TTR18734Helen Dove42
9TTR17076Glynn Hayward44
10TTR19092Ian Oakey45
11TTR17153Jennifer Holborow46
12TTR17201Bob Blackstock48
13TTR17002Geoff Masterman53
14TTR17004Robert Owen54
15TTR19010Rosemary Mead55
16TTR17167Phil King57
16TTR19073Francis Tindall57
18TTR18736Phil Carpenter61
19TTR17194David Bell62
20TTR19074Nikki Baker70
21TTR19102John Green71
22TTR17038Tim Vassie74
23TTR17104Henry Carr77
23TTR17131John Murdoch77
25TTR17148Steve Gaddy80
25TTR19098Mark Tolhurst80
27TTR17039Philippa (Pip) Secker82
28TTR19079Ernie Waldron95
29TTR17007Peter Rushforth99
30TTR17203Alan Large106
30TTR17206Simon Lytton106
32TTR17205Roger Ashmead111
33TTR17031Clive Hodgson112
34TTR19014George Hendry113
35TTR17242Bobby Clinton117
36TTR17107David Leavy128