Practice Marking a Route
Information: Introduction | Entry List | Regulations | Bulletins | Standings | MS

Rallies: The Nearest FarAway Place | Panglossian | Schoolfrenz | Thalamorph

Click here to download a PDF version of this page for printing.

Once you've registered for the 2012 Championship, you may login using your Competitor Number and Password.

The procedures that you follow below will also apply to Route Cards on an event.

Route Card Status

The Route Cards for the next event will be displayed on the Status page during the opening times for the event. However, Route Card 0 will always be available. The Status page also provides additional details about the availability of Route Cards.

Click on Map 0 in the PDF Map column and save the map to your computer. Print out the map. This will be your paper map for solving a Route Card.
Click on Map 0 in the Display Map column to view the maps you will use to mark your solution.

Click the START or CONTINUE button. You will be taken to the Route Card page.

Route Card

The Route Card will be displayed with up to six additional links:
Printable Route Card
Click to open a new page with the Route Card conveniently laid out for printing.
Display Map
The same as Display Map on the Route Card Status page.
The same as PDF Map on the Route Card Status page.
Plot Route
Click to open a new page where you can mark your route on a displayed map. See below for detailed instructions.
Display Map Solution
Only available for Route Card 0 so that you can view the master route.
PDF Map Solution
Only available for Route Card 0 so that you can print the master route.

You don't have to solve Route Card 0. Look at the display or PDF solution map. The route starts opposite a footpath in Grid Square 9013 (TC1) and finishes at spot height 82 in Grid Square 8614 (TC2). On the route there are 10 Passage Checks (PCs). TCs are shown with a red circle; PCs with a blue circle.

Your practice objective is to accurately mark this route on a map and approach and depart the PCs in the right direction. You'll lose points if you don't visit the PCs correctly.

Correctly means:
a) that your marked route passes within 30 metres of the correct location and
b) your angles (direction) of approach and departure are within 30 degrees of the actuals.

These tolerances should capture your intended route even allowing for a bit of wayward marking. They might be adjusted depending upon the ease or difficulty of a particular Route Card (See also Relaxed Marking below)

You will need to be particularly careful when marking the route around small loops. In the sample route note the loops especially in Grid Squares 9009, 8811 and 8612/8613.

How to mark a route

On the Route Card Status page click START or CONTINUE under the Action Column for Route Card 0. This takes you to the Route Card page. You have no Route Card to solve so click on the link Plot Route.

The working map for marking your route will be displayed. If this is the first time you've chosen this option for a Route Card, the starting point (TC1) will be marked with a small red square. If you are re-visiting, your map position, sizing and route will be displayed from your last saved visit.

Zoom the map
There are six styles of map::
At the OS 1:50000 scale view there are two levels of zoom. The lowest definition I call ZOS1 and the higher definition ZOS2. (always available)
In the OS Vector District view there are two levels of zoom. The lowest definition I call ZDist1 and the higher definition ZDist2. (sometimes available - see example in Route Card 0)
At the Street View there are also two levels of zoom. The lowest definition I call ZStreet1 and the higher definition ZStreet2. (always available)
When solving a Route Card use the detail you see at ZOS2 unless otherwise stated. When marking a route via AutoP(i)lot (see below) ZOS2 will usually be sufficient. With AutoP(i)lot turned off, ZStreet1 or ZStreet2 is recommended.

There are several ways to zoom/style the map.

1) Press the + key on your keyboard to increase the scale ("zoom-in"); press the - key on your keyboard to decrease the scale ("zoom-out").

2) Use the scroll wheel on your mouse. Forwards to zoom-in; backwards to zoom-out.

Size the map
Use the combinations keys of Ctrl with + to zoom-in and increase the size of the displayed map area. Use Ctrl with - to reverse the process. Ctrl with 0 will restore the original size of the map area, but will keep the same scale.

Area of the map
When you have the right scale and size of map, to change the area that is displayed:

1) Use the keyboard arrow keys to the pan left, right, up and down.

2) Position the mouse cursor away from any marked route on the map (see below), Left click and keep the button held down. The mouse cursor will change from an arrow to a cross. Now drag the map into the area you require. Release the button when finished.
Depending upon the sensitivity of your mouse or your steady hand, the start of the dragging operation may be sometimes be interpreted as a left-click. If you find that this intrudes on marking the points on your route tick the Freeze checkbox (top right of screen)

Note: You will not be able to drag the map beyond the boundaries specified for the Route Card.

Marking Points
There are two methods: 1) Manual and 2) AutoP(i)lot (AP)

Manual is the original method of map marking used in Round 1 (The Nearest FarAway Place Rally) of the the 2012 Championship. This method should still be used for parts of your route which are not automatically recognised by AP. Typically this might be for tracks and byways (usually white roads) which have not been digitised for use by AP. Further details are discussed below.

AP is an automatic means of joining two points by the shortest route following roads that have been digitally encoded in Google Maps. It is the default method when you start map marking. Use can switch back to manual by unticking the AutoP(i)lot checkbox.

Marking Points (Manually)
Use map style ZStreet2 to manually mark your route. You mark a point on the route with a left mouse double-click (but see Click2 below). Your mouse double-click should be in the middle of the road. A small red square with a dot in the middle will appear. Your first point will already be marked as the Time Control at the start of a section.

Your next and subsequent points should be at the next bend or curvature in the road, and "tramlines" will be added to connect the points. The objective is to create a sequence of straight line segments which trace the route as accurately as possible.

Here's an example for illustration. Note the marking at the small triangle before you join the "yellow" road (designating a "B" road at this scale). There could be a Passage Control on the triangle so I have been very deliberate with my clicking to show the roads used and the direction of approach and departure. Generally, if you achieve a marking which covers the road (using the twin grey style of tramline at ZStreet2) you will have no problem in visiting the hidden Controls correctly.

Marking Points (AP)
Usually map style ZOS2 will be most appropriate to AP your route. I recommend that you check and adjust your route (if necessary) at map style ZStreet2 to ensure the correct roads and small loops have been followed as required.

You mark a point on the route with a left mouse double-click (but see Click2 below). Your mouse double-click need only be anywhere on the required road since it will be moved to the nearest digitised point on the road. (Note: if you are a bit wayward with your clicking you may end up with a point just off the road in someone's driveway!) A small red square with a dot in the middle will appear. Your first point will already be marked as the Time Control at the start of a section.

Your next and subsequent points should ideally be between each junction on your route. After a short delay, AP will construct a shortest distance route between each consecutive pair of points. Keep this in mind particularly when taking a route round triangles - you should ensure your points connect the closest sides of the triangle. AP may double back on itself to take a shortest route if you are not precise enough; AP doesn't know that you can't use the same road twice.

Here's an example for illustration. The solid black tramline has been used since this gives a better picture of the route at this map style.
Note the marking at the triangles to force AP the long way round. Also note that in some cases the automatically plotted route between points doesn't appear to follow the roads. This is normal because of the resolution on the OS 1:50000 scale maps. If you zoom-in to Street Views you should see that your tramline will actually be close to the centre of the road.

Moving points:
Hover the mouse cursor over one of the red squares; click the left button and hold down; drag the square to a new position; release the left button. New tramlines are drawn from the previous point and to the next point.
Note: If you don't position exactly over a red square your dragging operation will drag the map instead.

When AP is switched off the two new tramlines will be straight lines joining the points.
With AP switched on, new road following routes will be drawn between the points. Remember that the two new routes will be independently calculated as shortest routes. Depending upon where you drag your point, you may not get the result you expected. Inserting additional points before moving will usually resolve any inconsistencies.

Deleting points:
Position your cursor within 200 metres of a point and right click.

When AP is switched off a straight tramline will be drawn between the previous and next points.
With AP switched on a new road following shortest route will be drawn between the previous and next points.

Inserting points:
Position the cursor close to the centre of the tramline where you want to insert a point and left double-click your mouse (but see Click2 below).

When AP is switched off the new point will be placed at the nearest point on your existing route.
With AP switched on the new point will be placed at the nearest intermediate (invisible) AP point on your existing route.

Location Information
n the panel above the map the position of the cursor is displayed as an OS Grid Reference (grid lettered 8-digits and a full numeric 12-digits) and as a Latitude and Longitude (with decimal minutes and seconds).
This information may be hidden for certain Route Cards.

Map Marking Information
In the panel above the Location Information there are three boxes which will be displayed when you hover over one of your marked points. Major: The sequence number of the marked point; Total: The sequence number of all the points (including the invisible ones between marked points); Distance: The distance in miles of the marked point from the start of the route.
Distance may be hidden for certain Route Cards.

The default operation for marking or inserting a point is to double left-click. This avoids any conflict when dragging the map or dragging existing points which requires a single left-click to start the operation.
However, if you have a steady hand and precise mouse, you may wish is revert to a single left-click operation for marking or inserting. The Click2 checkbox will be ticked by default; uncheck the box to enable single clicking.

Timing Point
Some route cards will have an intermediate "Timing Point" (TP) to be visited. When this is the case the Timing Point checkbox will appear top right of the map.
The instructions on the route cards will tell you how to calculate the location of the TP; this may be a simple statement like "10 miles from the start" or more complicated like "1.5 miles after the last bridge". Make sure you place one of your route points at where you think the TP is located. Mark the checkbox, hover over your point and left-click your mouse. The red square will change to a green circle. If you had already had a TP marked the old one will be restored to a red square.

Tramline Style
The default tramline style to mark the route is a thin black line. If you want a different style or colour pressing F2 will cycle round a series of 9 different tramlines.

Clean Map
To hide the marker points and route press the Pause/Break key. Release to re-display.

Saving your route:
At any point you can save your marked route so far by clicking the Save button. Your display settings and position will be stored.
Save regularly. You can save as many times as you like before you submit your route for marking.

OS 1:50000 Maps vs. Street View Maps
Occasionally there will be differences between the two types of map:
1) Street View might show triangles at junctions. Mark your route to take the shortest route through the triangle.
2) Street View might show slight variations in the course of roads particularly at junctions or on white roads. Mark your route to follow the Street View course.
3) Some (usually white) roads may be missing on Street View. Mark your route along the road you see at ZOS2.
Given these anomalies, PCs will never be sited at points where such differences might arise.
4) Some 1:50000 features may be missing on Street View (e.g. Grid Lines, Spot Heights). If you need to mark, say, a finish control at one of these points, do the following:
> Enlarge your map area by pressing Control + a few times (which also ups the Zoom level).
> Get back to ZOS2 by pressing - (the minus key) twice.
> Your OS 1:50000 map should now be larger. Mark your point.
> Zoom to the ZStreet2 map and move the point (if necessary) to the centre of the road nearest to the point.
> Press Control 0(zero) to restore all views back to normal.

Relaxed Marking
Some Route Cards or sections of Route Cards will be designated as Relaxed Marking, This will typically be when using twisty white roads (which are not accessible by AP) which might require many points to accurately define the route. You might, for example, be asked to simply mark your route at each junction visited. The total distance for any "Time" penalties will be based upon the "straight line" route.
Conversely, if a route section is defined, for example using spot heights, as 75 88, this would mean there will possibly be a Passage Control between spot heights 75 and 88 so your route marking should be accurate between these points to ensure the control is visited correctly.

Submitting Your Route.

When you are happy with your final route, save it for the last time and then click Back to Previous Page. You will be returned to the Route Card page.

In the Submit Route? form enter any comments about the Route Card or your solution, and use the dropdown box to rank how much you enjoyed the Route Card. Press the Submit Route button.
On an event after this point you will not be able to access the Route Card page unless a Route Card is flagged as ReDo. On Redo Route Cards like Route Card 0 you can submit a solution as many times as you like until you have mastered the route marking procedures and, ideally, end up with zero penalties.

Your route will be compared with the master route and you will be taken to the Result Feedback page.

Result Feedback

A table will show how well you did in the following columns:

TC1, the list of undisclosed PCs, TP, TC2

Cumulative Distance - Yours:
Your cumulative route distance to each of the controls.

Cumulative Distance - Ideal:
The master route cumulative distance to each of the controls. By comparing the Ideal with Yours you can gauge how well your marking matches the master route.
If your total distance (at TC2) is outside the permitted range (see Regulations) your distance will be highlighted in red and you may incur Time Penalties.
Your Closest (metres)
How close your route passes to a particular control. You need to be under 30 metres for your visit to be recognised. Outside of that range and your number will be shown in red and you will be deemed to have missed the control. Missing a PC = 5 marks; missing a TC = 30 marks.

Closest Point -Yours
For information only - your numbered point which was closest to the control.

Closet Point - Mine
For information only - the numbered point of the master route which was closest to the control.

Approach - Yours
Your plotted direction of approach to the control shown as a compass point and bearing in degrees. If this differs from the tolerance allowed (plus/minus 30 degrees) from the Ideal, your entry will be highlighted in red and you will be penalised accordingly (PC = 5 marks; TC = 30 marks).

Approach - Ideal
The Ideal direction of approach from the master route.

Depart - Yours
Your plotted direction of departure from the control shown as a compass point and bearing in degrees. If this differs from the tolerance allowed (plus/minus 30 degrees) from the Ideal, your entry will be highlighted in red and you will be penalised accordingly (PC = 5 marks; TC = 30 marks).

Depart - Ideal
The Ideal direction of departure from the master route.

Your penalty at each control highlighted in red. If your total penalties exceed 100 marks they will be capped to 100 and flagged with an asterisk.

You may want to visit Map Marking Questions and Answers - feedback from old, non-AP style of marking.